Monday, February 19, 2007

working on my blog

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole blogging thing... Although Jude (he's one of my New Media lecturers) says my blog needs focus. I guess he's right. I mean, I haven't given the actual content of my blog much thought. Right now I'm just pretty much trying to get a grip on the technical side of things. Like this morning...

This morning (with alot of help) I was finally able to attach a couple of feeds to my blog. Yeah!! Its a small victory, but worth celebrating anyway, considering the trouble I went through.

And now, I just added a picture to my blog. Turns out you don't need a URL to attach a pic. (as you would when attaching a feed). This is great because I have few pics. of my own in my pic. folder. I've been collecting them since my 1st year. So I've grown rather attached to them. And would very much rather use one of them, than some other pic. from the net, just because its has a URL and mine don't... I wonder if the pics. I have, originally had URLs. I guess they did... I mean if I got them from the net, then they should... don't they? Hmm!...

Oh well, @ least that's one headache I don't have to deal with right now. I wont say anything about the pic. I chose itself. Just look up at the top left-hand corner of this blog.

And about the content and focus of this blog... we'll work on that as time goes by. For now, it'll only serve sort of as a diary of my progress in this New Media course. (Howz that Jude?)

Ok, that's about it for now.

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